USAGE *command-t-usage* Bring up the Command-T match window by typing: <Leader>t This mapping is set up automatically for you, provided you do not already have ...
The Command-T plug-in provides an extremely fast, intuitive mechanism for opening files with a minimal number of keystrokes. It's named Command-T because it ...
2020年5月31日 — The command :to is a synonym of :copy that can be abbreviated to :t . So :[range]t. is a short way of saying copy the lines in the range to ...
2012年9月19日 — So, fF and tT are useful when you want to go quickly to the next set of parentheses ( f( ) or delete everything from the cursor to, but ...
Command-T is a Neovim and Vim plug-in that provides an extremely fast fuzzy mechanism for: ... with a minimum of keystrokes. Files are selected by typing ...